Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is the difference between Japan and S'pore?

Singapore and Japan are 2 very different countries in terms of culture. Singapore is mutli-racial while Japan is mainly well, Japanese. Their tradition and customs is very deep-rooted in their culture.
One distinct difference we discover was that there were practically zero bins on the streets, even at tourist spots. The amazing thing is that the whole country is very clean!! They actually carry a plastic bag out and bring home their rubbish for recycling. On the contrary, there is a bin for every 50 m you walk in Singapore, yet it is not very clean. Sometimes, there are even rubbish around the bins.

How did they do it? Well, it all start from young and everyone plays a part. Social responsibility. Do you have it?
Below are some photos which capture some of the differences

For a start, the babies and toddlers in japan have rosy cheeks!
Pachinko slot (Jackpot) centres like this are common sight in Japan. it is one of their favourite pastime

Another common sight are these vending machines. They are practically everywhere. Just imagine replacing the bins in Singapore with these-thats one in every 50m.

Being a temperate country, the leaves of trees in Japan are mostly small and needle-like to minimise water loss

All toilets in Japan are suprisingly sparkling clean, even for remote places. As mentioned, everyone plays a part in keeping them clean. It all boils down to social responsibility.

We have multi storey carpark, they have multi storey parking lots

In more rural and remote places like Kyushu, you'll see people palnting wet rice. Some of them sell it, some of them for own consumption.

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