Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 6 140610 School Visit

Our pupils had an opportunity to mingle with the Japanese pupils during lunch. Communication was a problem but that did not stop them from enjoying their new found friendship.

Thorns among the rose - Keleon

Rose among the thorns - Shihui

Two Japanese pupils interviewed by a local TV station. Our pupils presence in Kyushu will be shown on the news!
Yiyin sharing food with her counterparts
One of the common language among teenagers - technology. This time Jinhui shows off his iPhone
Azura giving souvenirs to her friend
Xuan Zhao giving his too
Group photo
Posing for the photos
Japanese style scissors-paper-stone
Immediate bonding
The Japanese pupils are very excited by our presence

Surrounded by new found friends
Japheth introducing himself

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