Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our Reflections

Here are our thoughts and feelings about the trip in our own words and typing. it is unedited. (Forgive our typing and grammatical errors-most of them are unintentional, really)

Group 1

Amelina: During our 5 days trip to Kyushu, Japan, we learned alot of things. For example, I learned that as a leader, my group members actions reflect on me. Before our trip our teachers told us that we should always be with our group. During the first few days of our trip, most of us were still uncomfortable with their own groups. But as the days goes by, most of us were able to leave our own cliques and alo punctual when teachers ask to meet. All in all, I think the trip has taught me a meaningful lesson of punctuality and also we should not only be close during this trip but also in school.

Divya:During the 5 days trip to kyushu, i had alot of fun and meaningful trip there , example the safety center. w had simulators of earthquake and typhoon. i learnt what to do when this kind of natural disasters comes.first few days everyone was with their cliques. when the days goes by everyone was together.during the home stay i had learnt something from them to be punctual.

Phoenix: This trip has really made an impact to my life ..i learn alot from this trip and also the history of japan .. i think i have improve myself in ways of interacting with others especially with people i don't really talk to .i will MISS japan ^^

Celestine: The trip to Japan was great! We went to historical sites in Japan. Although History is very boring to me, I enjoyed myself and also learnt about the history in Japan. We also visited places related to Geography, for example the river and the Geo Thermal plant. We also visited a volcano nd it was really intresting as there are no volcanoes in Singapore. Through the trip, I also made many new friends. Although we may be of different levels, we are close friends now. I learnt many things from this trip and really enjoyed myself. I will miss Japan and also all my friends. ;D

Japheth: the japan trip was the best trip i have ever been to! i leanrt alot of new things there like the culture there and many more.during the start of the trip, i did not know many people but through out the trip, we created such strong bonds with each other, which i think will last very long.we went to many places also. one of which that was very memoriable was the day which we went mount Aso. i was the first time i ever saw a life active volcano. during that period many of us took photos and help each other to stay firm.As the wind was so strong that it could even blow a big guy like me away!I really miss japan and if i had three wishes, all would say let everyday be in japan! ;D

Group 2

Fatini: The Japan Trip is simply amazing! it's so much fun!! although it was tiring, we did learn alot of things. we manage to bond really well. one place that was very memorable to me was Mount Aso. it is because there are many beautiful scenery. the homestay was also fun. i truly enjoyed the trip!! it had created very very strong bond between us and i hope that bond will last long. im going to miss Japan!! i wish we could go again someday!! :D

Miao Yuan: I find that this trip is a very good experience to me,
As i get to bond with my friends during the trip get to know each other better.
and to adapt the Japanese culture.
Trying to communicate with the Japanese is not easy but it is really fun
i have learnt a lot of things through this trip.
Not only on self awareness or social awareness.
The people in Japan Is real friendly.

Yong Si: The whole japan trip was awesome. I have make lots of friends. During the past few days, i have learnt a lot of things from learning to use the fire extinguisher to trying to communicate with the japanese peoples. I like the homestay, the school visit the best and i also get a chance to get close to the horses and take photos with them. Everything was fun. I love japan. >.< Jeremy: the trip was very meaningful.i've made alot of friends.The citizen safety centre was very interesting as we learn alot of things i feel that the home stay was very fun and the hosts really treated us well even the host was'nt that young he still played sports and stuff with us.I think we can learn from this that you need not be young to play sports.the whole trip was great.

Group 3

Hanisah: Combining all my experiences there, I am very grateful that I am one of the selected pupils who get to go to Japan. At the very first, I thought that the Japan trip is going to be very boring but I was proved wrong. It was in fact, a memorable trip and I gained a lot of knowledge & new experiences there. Overall, Japan is a beautiful and magnificent country to be at. Arigato(:

Ben: I am happy to be selected to go for this trip,this trip is fun and tiring.At first was borring but at the end of the trip it was fun.Japan is a beautiful place and is much more cleaner than Singapore & i have learnt alot in this trip and i wish there will be second time going to Japan ARIGAO GOZAIMAS:D.

Talya: Indeed, this trip is really an eye-opener. So what if we didn't really know each other? So what if we were not close? This trip has brought as together as one! We have created a bond between us. (: So glad to know all of you~ I will never forget this trip. It is etched deep in my mind yo! Infact my heart is still there, hehe. What a fruitful and memorable experience (: I feel quite 'heng' as I already told teacher I wanted to back out, but it was too late. Even something that used to be bad can turn into something good. I AM LUCKY MAN :D hope there can be opportunities like this :D thank you, kam xia~

Siew Mun: The japan trip was a really an exciting trip. I was very lucky to been selected for this AWESOME trip. At the beginning, we did not really know each other but dring the trip we started to create a bond within each other. I am very happy to make new friends and to know each other in the short period of time! I've learnt alot of things about JAPAN about their culture and about thier country. I really hope that there is another oppotunity like this. SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :D

Keleon: This trip was a very good expirence for me =) At the start of the japan trip, i did'nt know many of the people, as the trip goes by, we started to talk to each other and created a strong bond with each other =DI'm very happy that i have been choosen for this trip as i realy enjoyed during the 6 Days in japan.I learn alot of culture about japan and i hope that i have another chance to go to other country like this. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ARIGAO GOZAIMAS =D

Group 4

Xuan Zhao: I feel that i have choosen to go for the right overseas trip. At the start of the japan trip, i felt that i have very less friends to accompany me as i did not know any of them close enough. i was being left out alot of times, but as time pass by, i get to know them better and interacted with them more and soon i made more friends which did not think i will be friends with them in the frist place. i felt acconpanied throughout the trip espically the homestay part, where me, benn & keleon were like stranger to each other, but after the night spending the time with the host, we were like good friends and who could talk to each other easily. I hope the lower sec students in our school will have the same opportunity as us to enjoy the joy and laughter when they are in overseas.

Jinhui: I really enjoy this trip as i make a lot of friends here. The whole of Japan is really beautiful and i really like it. The people are kind and polite to us. Mt Aso was really windy and cold but i enjoyed it cos this is my first time visiting a volcano. The homestay was totally awesome. The homestay was the best part of the Japan trip. Jun Jie was very quiet and he like to tell me to tell the Japanese something cos he did not wanted to do that. Crystal was totally comical for this whole trip. As for what happen, i guess i should not say it out. Haha. Celestine was also quite comical as i always give her tomatos and tofu and she give me a lot of rice. In conclusion for me, this trip is awesome and unexplainable. U have to experiece it in order to know the feelings. JAPAN ROCKS...

Wendy: This is my first time going with the school to japan. It was a fun and enjoyable trip to japan. I had learnt alot of things( geography and history ) in japan. Especially the Mount Aso and Kumamoto castle. I also learnt alot of knowlege too. the best part was going to the home stay and school visit. I get a chance to interact with them using japanese language and sign language. All in all, it was fun and interesting. I miss japan and i hope i can go to japan again!

Yiyin: I had really enjoyed myself during this few days in Japan. I have also learnt about the lifestyle,cultural and the foods that they eat which were really interesting. Home stay was the best part of the trip as i really had fun staying with them althought it was only one night and i really felt that they were my parents as they took such good care of me.We even used sign language to tell them what we were talking which was the most hilarious part.I really miss Japan alot if i had the chance i would really wish to go back to Japan one more time.

Brandon: This trip to Japan (Kyushu) was awesome and fantastic! I had really enjoyed myself during the 6days trip. Although, it was my first time learning the cultural, lifestyle and getting used to their food. It was still fun and interesting. The Home Stay was one of a memorable experience for me. Although myself and my Oka-San & Oto-San were total stranger, they treated me kindly and warmly like their own child. The School Visit was quite funny and interesting. We were only able to sign language and help from our tour guide, Ruri-San Our Translator. I hope the days we stayed there would be longer as it was very fantastic.

Group 5

Azura: The five day trip was very exciting . i gain alot from this experience knowing that i made more new friends . i felt very honoured & happy. It was my first time going to Japan & also my first time making a speech in front of Japanese students . I have never made a speech in front of anyone before so it was a achievement for me .My favourite part of the trip is going to Mt Aso . It is very different from singapore. In terms of friends , we have known each other well during the trip , we learn more about each other during this trip it is interesting that all of us are not shy as before .
Coming back to Singapore .
It was the saddest part . when we reach japan airport. most of us dont feel like going home . we hug ruri-san and some of them cried . i hold on to my tears . When we reach Singapore i felt ill for one day & i need to get used to the weather here. All in all , we had A GREAT EXPERIENCE LEARNING NEW CULTURE IN JAPAN! . I MISS JAPAN!

Crystal: One of the most interesting sight was mount Aso. It was a once in a life time expirence. At first i thought it was going to be exteremely hot. Instead, it was freezing cold! The Mountain was very beautiful and i cant wait to go there again if i get the chance to. I love the Home stay the most. I MISS MY OKASAN And OTOSAN!!! ): At first i was worried of the homestay myself. Knowing that their culture was different from ours, im afraid i might accidentally offend them. However after the stay, i realised that they were not what i thought. They are extremely friendly people. They are enthu in introducing themseves to us and usually they started the conversation first. On top of that, they are very polite. Even though i am younger than them, they showed more respect then i do. I felt very sad when we are leaving. Although it was just a night stay i felt the connection between us. A learnt alot from this short trip. Most of all i learnt that i should take more responsibility of my own belongings. I wass superbbb careless :X I also learn to be more independent and sensible during the trip. I believe the trip to Japan would make me a better person in the future. &, I MISS JAPAN SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH!!!! D:

Junjie: The home stay is the best as we does not need to do anything as everything is prepare for us and after the dinner we went to waych the firefly which cannot be found at any part of singapore.At the morning ,we went to their farm and we saw their machine used and their parent also help out at the farm.Then i realise that the japanese were so friendly that they treat veveryone equal.We don't like to leave them but we have to .During the school visit, i does not dare to communicate with the student and i learn that i should be more confident.When at the airport,we feel sad because of leaving the tour guide,Ruri-San,she taught me a lot thing about japan.I will miss them very much.

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