Thursday, June 10, 2010

100610 Nagasaki War Museum and Peace Park

After the safety cnetre, we arrived at the Nagasaki War Meseum after a 2 hours bus ride

Mr Hirosen, one of the few luck survivors of the Nagasaki atomic Bombing, giving his account of what happened that day. He is now 80 years old!!

Along the corridor of the museum, folded paper cranes are arranged into beautiful art pieces

In fact, about 50 million people have already come together to make all these cranes

Listening to Mr Hirosen

Nagasaki is and hopefully will be the last place to take the impact of the atomic bomb

Taking a group photo with Mr Hirosen

Just a walk across, we visited the Peace Park ...

with this gigantic statue...

The right arm is raised to indicate pointing at the Atomic Bomb, his left hand to outstretched to indicate putting an end to all the atomic bombingand and finally his eyes are closed in memory of the people who died in the bombing

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