Thursday, June 10, 2010

100610 Fukuoka Safety Centre

Our first stop was Fukuoka Safety Centre. It is a centre built to educate and also equip the locals with the necessary skills and knowledge to react to disasters like earthquakes and typhoon.
Aren't you glad we don't experience such things in Singapore?
A guide telling us how to use the extinguisher, something we have taken for granted in Singapore.

Trying our hands at putting out a fire - Not as easy as it seem

Listening to the guide on the different levels of earthquake experienced by the locals

Experience an earthquake weighing 7 on the Ritcher Scale

Inside the typhoon simulator

Inside the simulator, the wind is blowing very strongly that we have to hold on to something

The pupils getting ready to be 'shake' by the Earth!

These girls will make fantastic firemen... I mean firewomen in future

While these boys can only hope he does not end up as a fireman because they can't put out the fire

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