Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meeting No. 4

Hi pupils,
Good job today. Everyone of you deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. All of you managed to learn the dikir barat within a short time.
Now to make it better, please memorise the lyrics to geylang si paku geylang and top of the world.
And of course not forgetting Amirul, who came down to help us and Xuan Zhao who taught us the actions to the song.
I've uploaded videos of your practice.
Not in meeting: Jeremy, Jun Jie, Talya (absent from school) and Fatini
Our first practice for the performance

Not bad for first timers

The 2 unsung heroes: Amirul who taught the group the kompang and Xuan Zhao who demonstrated the movements

Getting ready

The group singing to the tune of geylang si paku geylang

Our gungho lady drummer - Amelina

Our Japan pose

Our 4th meeting

Reminder: Parents Briefing this Friday (21st May) at 7pm, AVA room

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