Friday, April 9, 2010

Pre-trip Reseach Help

In case your group is finding it difficult to start on the topic(s),here are some points for you to consider:

1. Geography- the population of Japan- size of country, cities we are visiting (with maps and pics)- major cities- type of government- number of ethnic minorities- other geographical information on Japan

2. Culture - what is their culture? What festivals do they celebrate?

3. Lifestyle - their way of life, how they spend an average day etc

4. Food- different kinds of food and drinks (with pics)

5. Education - do they have the same education system as S'pore e.g. do they have streaming etc? What do they study?

Remember, whatever topic(s) the group is researching on, do a research on S'pore too. This will help you to communicate and inform your Japanese friends about Singapore.

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