Friday, April 9, 2010

Pre-trip Reseach Help

In case your group is finding it difficult to start on the topic(s),here are some points for you to consider:

1. Geography- the population of Japan- size of country, cities we are visiting (with maps and pics)- major cities- type of government- number of ethnic minorities- other geographical information on Japan

2. Culture - what is their culture? What festivals do they celebrate?

3. Lifestyle - their way of life, how they spend an average day etc

4. Food- different kinds of food and drinks (with pics)

5. Education - do they have the same education system as S'pore e.g. do they have streaming etc? What do they study?

Remember, whatever topic(s) the group is researching on, do a research on S'pore too. This will help you to communicate and inform your Japanese friends about Singapore.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our First Meeting - 07/04

Our preparation for the Japan trip got under way with our first meeting at Lab 4 today.

We were divided into our groups and were told of the important dates:

Duration of Trip : 10 - 15 June
Check-in on 9 June
Parents Briefing : 21 May, 7pm

We were also tasked to do some research on the geography, culture, lifestyle, education and food of Kyushu.
There will be a presentation next week.

The next meeting will be :

Date : 13/04/10
Day : Tuesday
Time : 2.45pm
Venue : Lab 4

Japan Association

On 29/03, we went to the Japan Association for a briefing regarding Jenesys Programme.
We found out that we are one of the 5 schools selected among many others for this programme. We are soooooo lucky.

We should all cherish and appreciate this opportunity.

Our first group photo, there will be more in Japan : )

The sign that they put up to direct us to the briefing room

As you can see, the association was officially opened by our current PM, Mr Lee Hsien Loong

The association is very quiet, everyone is very polite; What you expect to see in Japn